Friday, November 2, 2012

The Yard of the Living Dead 2012

Here are a few shots of the yard on the big night.  There were a lot of unfinished projects this year; but we saw a marked increase in the number of TOT's this year, so it seemed like a good year all in all.

This year saw my first foray into animatronic propmaking.  The prop was a simple shiatsu spider victim.  It is funny how home haunters who know about all of the amazing props out there can get a little embarassed about a simple prop; but the reaction by the TOT's is always positive.  Here is a short video of the prop in action.


wicKED said...

Prop is great! I can see where kids would be creeped out. Haunt looks awesome. Love the lighting and the fence is perfect!

Unknown said...

Awesome job!