I manage a warehouse for a fence-manufacturing company and that warehouse is located in an industrial park with other light-industrial businesses. When I have a few moments to spare during the day, I like to stroll over to the other side of the industrial park to the soda machine. Of course I peek in all of the dumpsters along the way. One particular day during my stroll, I noticed someone placing an item into a dumpster. Not really uncommon; except that he then proceeded to cover the item with trash already in the dumpster in an attempt to conceal it. In the middle of an uneventful day, this bit of intrigue set my mind into overdrive.

On closer inspection, I saw that the item was an old trunk. Oh boy! There could have been anything in this trunk. The fact that the guy who dumped it went to the trouble to try and conceal it made it even more interesting. Drugs, incriminating photos, counterfit money, severed body parts; the possibilities were endless. I uncovered the trunk and undid the latches; but found that the lock was engaged. I walked back to the warehouse and retrieved some screwdrivers with which to pop the lock. The anticipation was mounting.
I popped the lock and pushed back the lid to reveal...
A bunch of useless, boring junk. What a letdown! Instead of severed body parts I get...
Precious Moments fugurines!
Blech! I did, however take the trunk (after emptying out all of the offensive cutesy trinkets). Maybe I will make a "monster in a box" out of it.
I never find anything that good in a dumpster! What a cool old trunk.
Eww, precious moments? Those are way grosser than body parts.
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