The first day of October was warm and sunny. I spent a few hours with my minion finishing the assembly and painting of the last four or five cemetery fence sections. We got the fence set up and in place. Next Saturday we will tackle the fence finials, lantern hangers, and maybe the fence column toppers. My minion wants to try his hand at tombstone carving and I have a corpse or two to make. The last few Saturdays before Halloween are going to be busy. I hope we continue to have weather like we did today.

Here are a few shots of the cemetery fence as it stands right now. The first is looking East to West. The second is looking West to East. The third is a straight-on shot at a full fence section. The construction is scrap PVC lengths for the vertical bars, scrap 1 X 4's for the top two horizontal bars, and scrap 2 X 4's for the bottom horizontal bars. Everything for this fence (including the columns) was free scrap except for the brackets bolted to the columns and the paint. Hopefully the extra time that it took to "over-engineer" this cemetery fence will translate to a long life for it.
Here are a couple of shots with Emma Sue the littlest zombie added for scale. The fence looks to be strong enough to keep even the most determined of the living dead safely confined.